Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Physician Assisted Suicide Should Not Be Legalized

Minerva Villarreal GOVT 2306 Eric Lundin 8 April 2016 What Defines Dignity? It is alarming that in 2013, there were eight patients from Oregon who died from lethal medication they were prescribed one to two years prior (Annual Reports). In order to receive a prescription, a patient must have a terminal illness along with a prognosis of less than six months. Physician-assisted suicide should not be legalized because not only is it unethical overall, but it leads to a slippery slope regarding normalized euthanasia, and power wrongfully resting in the hands of someone else to decide another person’s time of death. It is understandable that one person can go through sufficient amounts of serious pain that they would consider death. There are†¦show more content†¦If the first oral request is accepted, there must at least be a 15 day period until they make the second oral request. A written request then proceeds after the oral ones in which at least one of two witnesses required must be unrelated. In a measly waiting period of 48 hours, the patient can then pick up their prescription from a pharmacy (Death with Dignity). After a patient has possession of his or her lethal dose of medication, they can wait as long as they would like to consume it. Although not required to consume the medication at all, if a patient lives past their prognosis, it makes the Death with Dignity Act seem even more unfavorable. The whole purpose of the Death with Dignity Act is to allow terminally ill patients who are suffering greatly to take control of when they would like to go into their peaceful inevitable death instead of being taken by surprise. Although some may see physician-assisted suicide as a more peaceful means to end their suffering, the process can be taken advantage of, undermining the laws that allow for it. Instead of calling physician-assisted suicide what it actually is, its supporters would rather call it â€Å"Death with Dignity.† Such an act can be found in five states including Oregon, Washington, Vermont, California, and Montana. The difference between Montana and the other four states is that it is only legally allowed on a case-by-case basis (Death with Dignity). The first time the Death with Dignity Act took effect was in Physician Assisted Suicide Should Not Be Legalized Physician assisted suicide is legal but it is always subject to change. How does this make you feel? Do you agree with this choice or not? There are only 4 states in the U.S. that makes this legal. Oregon, Montana, Washington, and Vermont are the only states that have made this legal in the U.S. People are actually putting their lives into someone else’s hand who mind you gets paid for what they are doing. They are letting someone who is getting paid to do what they are doing decide if they live or not. Physician assisted suicide should not be legalized in any of the 50 states. Euthanasia is the practice of ending a human life with that person s consent, voluntary stopping of eating and drinking, and physician assisted suicide invites compromise among caregivers or family member who might have economic or otherwise selfish interests in ending another’s life. Physician assisted suicide is a procedure when a physician intentionally and knowingly gives lethal dru gs to their patients at their request. Physician assisted suicide invites compromise among caregivers and or family members who may be struggling financially or have other selfish interest in ending another life. A family member may get a great amount of money from someone’s death. These individuals also may inherit valued things when that person passes. The may inherit things such as a car or a house that they just get handed to them with no payments or mortgage. And no matter how sinful suicide mayShow MoreRelatedPhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalized1487 Words   |  6 Pagesthat physician assisted suicide should be legalized in the case of a chronic illness, where the patient must take a large amount of drugs to heal themselves and or to subdue pain, and where the patient is living a life that is less fulfilling, or diluted, from their life before. Physician assisted suicide can be to patients who are suffering and wish to end their life, with the help of a physician so the patient could feel more comfortable or safer. As mentioned in class, physician assisted suicideRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Not Be Legalized905 Words   |  4 PagesPhysician-assisted suicide is when a terminally ill patient requested a physician to facilitate the patient death by providing the necessary lethal dose of a drug which enables the patient to perform the life-ending act. Provided that, Physician assisted suicide has been part of the debate about improving end-of-life care for terminally ill patients for decades. As a result, physician assisted suicide may be viewed morally wrong by some people, but morally permissible by another. Even though, physicianRead MoreShould Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legalized?1426 Words   |  6 PagesPhysician assisted suicide is also known as assisted suicide. It is a very controversial procedure. It is not favored by many. However, in present day society is little bit inclined towards assisted suicide. There is ongoing debate on the legalization of assisted suicide. The main reason to oppose of assisted suicide is the fear of mistreatment of the patient, abuse of power and so on. In contrary, many see assisted suicide as a way to decrease pain in the end of life. Read MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalized1181 Words   |  5 Pagesenduring the pain because it would be illegal to kill you. A survey taken in the United States has shown that 54% agree to physician assisted suicide or euthanasia. Euthanasia preserves rights of an individual, brings an end to the pain, and provides death with dignity. Even though others may disagree and say that its religiously incorrect, physician assisted suicide should be legalized. In the United States, we have certain human rights and that includes the right to choose to end our lives. UnderRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalized943 Words   |  4 Pagesto commit suicide, but his mom resuscitated him both times. Therefore, Danny decided to starve himself to end his suffering once and for all (Grimminck). People such as Danny, cancer, and ALS patients, who are battling terminal illnesses, deserve the right to choose when enough is enough. Physician assisted suicide should be legalized because it’s the compassionate thing to do, people deserve autonomy and because it is a better alternative. People may argue that physician assisted suicide is wrongRead MoreShould Physician Assisted Suicide be Legalized?1343 Words   |  6 PagesPhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalized? Should people have the right to kill themselves if they’re on the verge of dying? People are allowed to kill themselves in everyday life, so why can’t a person who knows that there is no way he will be able recover from his illness choose to end his life on his own terms? Many people don’t support and agree with assisted suicide. Even though many people don’t believe in physician assisted suicide, there are people suffering when they shouldn’t haveRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalized2000 Words   |  8 PagesIs it appropriate for an individual to end their life through physician-assisted suicide in developed countries, specifically in the United States? Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is the voluntary termination of one’s own life by the administration of a lethal substance with the direct or indirect assistance of a physician. The assistance of a physician for a terminally ill patient to commit their own suicide, has been a much debated topic in developed countries. It is a much bigger topic in developedRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Not Be Legalized1194 Words   |  5 Pagessubject of legalizing physician-assisted suicide is hotly debated these days. There have been many high profile cases including Dr. Jack Kevorkian in the 90’s to the young Oregonian Brittany Maynard who ended her life just this year. Physician-assisted suicide is currently legal in Oregon, Washington, and Montana. However, even where legal, it is unethical for medical professionals to engage in assisting patients to end their lives. There are many good alternatives to physician-assisted death availableRead MorePhysician Assisted Sui cide Should Not Be Legalized2412 Words   |  10 Pagesmonths. Physician-assisted suicide should not be legalized because not only is it unethical overall, but it leads to a slippery slope regarding normalized euthanasia, and power wrongfully resting in the hands of someone else to decide another person’s time of death. It is understandable that one person can go through sufficient amounts of serious pain that they would consider death. There are not a great amount of options one can take, but one in particular is physician-assisted suicide. AccordingRead MoreEuthanasia/Physician Assisted Suicide Should Not be Legalized1343 Words   |  6 Pagesforget how euthanasia murdered that beloved man, my grandfather. Euthanasia/Physician assisted suicide should not be legalized in the United States. The definition of murder is â€Å"killing intentionally and with premeditation†, how is euthanasia any different? (Miller) Not only is it morally wrong, but logically and ethically as well. Human life is not anyone’s to take and destroying it is devaluing a gift given to us. â€Å"Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death among Americans† and making it lawful would

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Mary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus

Psychologists and sociologists often refer to Mary Shelley s masterpiece Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus as a starting point to drive the question: what it means to be human. Mary Shelley s Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus suggests the possibility of reconstructing a broader approach towards scientific discovery by portraying the dangers of blindly pursuing scientific knowledge done so by the modern Prometheus that is Victor Frankenstein. Thomas Vargish in Technology and Impotence in Mary Shelley s Frankenstein states that although technology serves to express, aid and extend values (325), Victor Frankenstein immerses himself to creating a creature that manipulates what technology is made to do. Bernd Jager in Mary Shelley s Frankenstein and the Fate of Modern Scientific Psychology affirms that science and technology brings man in direct confrontation with an anonymous natural order. Furthermore, this order ignores man s presence. Jager s definition of the meaning of human ity is to learn and master technology and science while maintaining an uninhabitable relationship with it (271). The cryptic title of the novel alludes to the classical Greek mythology of Prometheus, a Titan who was eventually punished by Zeus made man out of clay and gave them fire for survival. The novel thereby alludes to the Ancient mythology by giving the readers a sense of consequence resulting from seeking enlightenment and the ability to create life like God. By portrayingShow MoreRelatedMary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus1342 Words   |  6 Pagesthere is no doubt in the connection of the Greek God Prometheus and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, as the title of the book states: Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus. Shelley made sure that the readers knew that Frankenstein is to be seen as the modern Prometheus, and all things in her book connect Frankenstein to the Greek God that shaped Humanity. In this essay is stated that Frankenstein is indeed as Shelley meant, the modern Prometheus. Reasoning behind this is of how Frankenstein’s and Prometheus’sRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus871 Words   |  4 PagesThe title of Mary Shelley s novel is Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus. So it shouldn t come as a shock that Mary Shelley was actually influenced by this tale. Her husband Percy Shelley had actually begun composing his own tale of Prometheus in the form of poetry entitled, Prometheus Unbound. He began composing this piece around the same time that his wife was publishing Frankenstein. Mary Shelley included The Modern Prometheus as part of her title for the novel and she attempts to compareRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein, And The Modern Prometheus3901 Words   |  16 Pages â€Å"Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus†, by Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley Mary Shelley s novel Frankenstein is best known for its influence in popular culture through many film adaptations. It is in fact, however, one of the great novels of ideas. Write an essay that discusses in what sense you think it is a novel of ideas. What are its claims about human reason and human nature? Shelley explores some aspects of human nature, specifically human lust for power and the unfortunate way weRead MoreFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus1316 Words   |  6 Pages Monstrosity in Marry Shelley s â€Å"Frankenstein† Mary Shelley s â€Å"Frankenstein† or â€Å"The Modern Prometheus† is an examination of monstrosity in all of its forms. Written during a time in which scientific, political and economical upheaval, the novel depicts mans desire to uncover every secret in the universe, while confirming the importance of the emotions that make us human, instead of monsters. But, what is considered to be a monster? When one thinks of a monster the first thing that comes to mindRead MoreMary Shelley ´s Frankenstein; Or, the Modern Prometheus, an Analysis of the Subtitle1219 Words   |  5 Pagesof creation.† (Shelley 37). Ab initio Victor Frankenstein, the main protagonist, is being put on a level with Prometheus through the subtitle. An indication that Mary Shelley did indeed have the myth in mind as she wrote the novel, is not only her subtitle, but moreover the parallels between the Prometheus myth and Frankenstein, which are undeniable. The title itself gives a lot away of th e story which follows. It links the modern world with the ancient Greek myth. Victor Frankenstein â€Å"steals† theRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus1141 Words   |  5 Pagessomeone, do you think that you would take that chance? Prometheus is a Greek God who gave mankind fire, which had been stolen from Mount Olympus. â€Å"Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus,† by Mary Shelley is about a man name Victor Frankenstein who creates a â€Å"monster† and tells the story of the lives of each character, and the conflict between Frankenstein and his creation. Victor Frankenstein tried to play God in â€Å"Frankenstein, the Modern Prometheus,† by creating a his own specimen, giving his creationRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein : A Modern Prometheus822 Words   |  4 PagesAllusions in Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus Mary Shelley’s cautionary horror tale, Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus, portrays the deadly consequences of callous indifference to life. Throughout the novel, Shelley employs allusions to the Prometheus myth, Paradise Lost, and â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.† Through these allusions, Shelley illustrates the creature’s yearning for love and acceptance, and Victors lack of love and compassion which leads to his ultimate destruction. In the firstRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus1470 Words   |  6 PagesIn Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; Or, the Modern Prometheus: The Original 1818 Text Third Edition she presents the story of a man named Victor Frankenstein and his creation. The story is told through Robert Walton, a man at sea who meets the estranged Victor Frankenstein and shares Victor’s story to his sister, Margaret Saville through a series of letters. Through these letters we get an insight into the life of the Frankenstein family as well as the relationship Victor has built with his creatureRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus1291 Words   |  6 Pages Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, also known as The Modern Prometheus, is a gothic science fiction novel set in the eighteenth century. Though the story starts off with letters narrated by Robert Walton, who hopes to find a new passage from Russia to the Pacific Ocean, the main protagonist in the story is Victor Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein was a swiss boy, born in Geneva, who grew up with a passion to find the â€Å"secret of life.† After attended the university at Ingolstadt and learning everythingRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein - The Modern Prometheus946 Words   |  4 PagesFrankenstein by Mary Shelley is a Gothic novel which revolves around the concept of men overtaking the role of God by attempting to create life, which is successfully depicted through the character of Victor Frankenstein who creates and brings life to the â€Å"monster†, unaware of its consequences and responsibility. Similarly, the mythological story of â€Å"Prometheus† re volves around the young Titan who in attempts to help mankind, wages war with Jupiter by providing men with fire and how to utilize it

Monday, December 9, 2019

Mediating Role Of Trust And Commitment On Members †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Mediating Role Of Trust And Commitment On Members. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this task is to provide a brief overview of the impact of employee performance on the customer retention in the hospitality industry. In hospitality industry, it is very important for an organization to satisfy the needs of their employees so that they can provide qualified services to the customers in the external market. As this hospitality industry is completely based on the activities initiated by the employees and how they welcome the customer so the independent variable in the case is the performance of employees and the dependent variable is the customer retention. Independent variable refers to the factor which affects the other factor and is not dependent upon any other factor for their working. The independent variable is not dependent on any other factor for their working. The independent variable is not dependent on any other variable for making changes and variations in their activities. Thus, in this case employee performance is independent variable on th e rationale of with customer retention acts. Also it should be noted that employee performance directly affects the customer retention process of the company in the hospitality industry, as if the customer makes a second visit in the same organization then it means that they are satisfied with the services provided by the employees in the company and want to entail it again. But if the employee turnover in the company is high then the customer would not get satisfied next time and will not use the services again. So, this is the problem in the scenario of employee performance and customer retention. Further, the task will discuss regarding the impact of employee performance on customer retention in hospitality industry. The task explains a literature review on both the independent and the dependent factors that are employee performance and the customer retention. Adequate theories support the explanation about the concepts and co-relation with of both the aspects as well. More details about the task are discussed below: Literature review Employee performance (independent variable) Every organization is formed with a view to establish and attain reputation in the target market. These organizational objectives can only be achieved with the help of men, machine, material and money. Among all these resources manpower is the most important resource which helps an organization to work effectively. According to Akah, 2010 as machines are used by manpower to produce goods for the company, and material and money are investment by the manpower to increase the efficiencies of the companies in the external market. Every organization demands the need of highly skilled and efficient manpower to grow their business in the international market as well. Talking about the hospitality industry, it should be noted that the owners or the board members of the company do not visit tourist places with the visitors and enlighten them about the sight scene, but the guide travel with them and help them to gain pleasant experience. Also in the company, employees are face of the organizat ion that interact with the customers in the environment, attract them and ask them to attain the services of the company (Han, Hyun, 2015). So, it is very important for the managers to monitor the performance of the employees and satisfy them so that they can further satisfy the needs of the clients in the organization. Further different employees in the company perform different types of job but all of them are ultimately connected to the production of the company and customer retention process. Thus it is important that employees performance act shall be seriously understood and sincere efforts must be inputted in this direction. If the management of the company will initiate to help the employees to learn, then they will grow and grab the opportunities which will help the company to sustain in the market. As said by Shields, et al., 2015, the hospitality industry is a service industry; initially talking about service industry, it is an industry which do not supply products in the market instead services are provided by them to satisfy the requirements of the customers in the external environment. So, it should be noted that the whole hospitality industry is dependent upon how their employees work in the organization to retain the customers from the market. All depends upon the discretion of the employees only how they greet and treat to the customers in the environment, as all the visitors travel to have a pleasant experience. So, it is important for the companies to provide pleasant experience to the customers while travelling with them for which they need to satisfy the employees needs and motivate them to perform better in the market (Appendices 2). Further in order to maintain the performance of employees, it is very important for the companies present in hospitality services indu stry that they need to stimulate the employees to perform better because people management will significantly impact the performance of the employees (Eid, 2015). Performance management of an organization has significant impact on the performance of the employees. As discussed above, the problem of high employee turnover is leading dissatisfaction among the customers in the environment due to which retaining of customers has become a difficult task. Further, it should also be noted that satisfaction of employees leads to satisfaction of customers in the market so the organization needs to find ways through which they can increase the satisfaction of employees in the organization and retain them (Net Survey, 2017). In the view of Mone, London, 2014 talking about the performance of employees, it should be noted that there are many ways through which their performance can be judged and rectified in the market. Any person raises the standards of their performance in the market only when they receive some additional benefit out of it. So, apart from the gross pay if the employees will get paid for the work which they have done above their job process, then they will gain the sense to work more so that they can earn better. Performance management is the way through the organization can identify the requirements of the employees in the market and satisfy them so that they can further satisfy the requirements of the customers efficiently and retain them in the organization. According to Oki, 2014 performance management method evaluates the performance of the employees and provides them monetary and non-monetary benefits accordingly which motivates the employees to improve their performance. This meth od also helps the organization in seeking the issues related to the job of the employees and solve to earn customer satisfaction. The gap analysis is a part of the performance appraisal plan which helps and organization to identify the gap in the growth of the organization and rectify them (Appendices 1). Also the performance appraisal method provides clear objectives to the employees in the organization on which they have to work. Further there are many aspects which influence the performance behavior of employees in the organization like, workplace environment, pay scale of employees, equality in the organization. The theory of X and Y successfully measures the performance of the employees in the organization. This theory was developed by Douglas McGrgor in the late 1960s. The theory describes two different attitudes toward the workforce motivation. It was assumed that the companies follow one of these approaches. The theory X approach says that the management of the organization feels that the employee is lazy and avoids working for the betterment of the organization. Due to which the managerial team becomes obliged to closely supervise the task performed by them and control their activities as well. The companies under this process follow a hierarchical structure with narrow span of control at each level for the efficient and effective employees. The theory X suggests that the employees have the capabilities to work and perform better they will show a little interest in the activities of the organization (Cascio, 2018). The managers who get influenced by the theory X says that, at the end th ere is one person who is to be blamed for the incompetency of the company. The managers in this case show the pessimist view for the employees as they believe that most of the employees in an uninterested way in the organization and the higher authority need to regularly check their work order to improve their performance in the organization. Under the theory Y, the managers assume that the employees of their company are very ambitious and dedicated towards their company. The employees work with great responsibility and they have a sense of self control and self-direction within them. Under this case the managers show full trust on their employees believe that they do not need to regular monitor their growth is they are self-insisted to grow and expand. The employers in this case says that if the employees will get right conditions to work and strong motivation then it will increase their satisfaction which will subsequently positively affect their performance as well. The managers try to remove the barriers and provide pleasant environment to the employees to work (Cascio, 2018). Thus, Theory Y is a positive side of growth of growth of the employee performance in an organization. Customer retention (dependent variable) Customer retention is defined as the activities and actions that are taken by corporations in order to improve the number of loyal customers who prefer to buy or use products or services of the company. According to Roberts-Lombard (2011), the primary objective of customer retention program focuses on assisting organisations in order to retain as many customers as possible. The firms use customer loyalty and brand loyalty initiative to increase the number of loyal customers. The practices or actions for customer retention starts right after the first contact a consumer has with the corporation. The process of customer retention continues throughout the lifetime of the relationship which exists between the customer and the organisation. Roberts-Lombard (2011) stated that in this process, the corporations sell products to consumers who already have a relationship with the firm which is an effective way of growing companys revenues since the enterprise does not have to educate, attract and convert new customers. In case of the hospitality industry, organisations receive a number of benefits because of customer retention such as increased sales, brand loyalty, easy market capitalisation and others. The marketing cost of hospitality companies reduces due to effective customer retention since they advertise their products or services to consumers who already have expressed interest in the firms services. IBOJO (2015) mentioned that the engagement of customers with the brand assists organisations in capitalising on their experiences with the firm. Customer retention also assists in sustaining a companys future growth since it assists organisations in maintaining a competitive advantage over competitors due to consumer loyalty which also leads to adding new customers. In recent years, corporations in hospitality sector focus on customer retention since many studies have proven its effectiveness. Eid (2015) depicted that the consumer profitability tends to increase for companies that have a high number of customer retained since the management focuses on implementing appropriate strategies and firms resources towards effective customer retention. In order to improve customer retention, organisations focus on setting customer expectation to eliminate uncertainty regarding firms products or services. As per Eid (2015), the hospitality companies have to become customers trusted advisor that builds trust and loyalty in their relationship. Organisations are required to take a proactive approach to eliminate problems before they occur which makes the consumer experience personal which resulted in strengthen the bond between them. In the process of customer retention, employees play a crucial role. The senior level management did not interact on a regular basis with consumers; they implement policies which are required to be followed by employees in order to improve customer retention. Han Hyun (2015) provided that the employees who work face-to-face with consumers are able to determine their level of satisfaction which assists in keeping them with the corporation and preventing them from looking anywhere else. Employees who deal directly with customers required to meet customer needs and fulfil their requirements in order to improve customer retention rates. Employees influence the business environment positively by analysing the way in which they deal with the consumers. As per Han Hyun (2015), they perform the activities of performance building and representing the products which lead to increasing customer retention in a firm. In order to maintain consumer trust and commitment in firms products and services, corporations are required to implement policies of relationship marketing. More specifically, hospitality organisation can implement the Commitment-Trust Theory of relationship marketing in order to improve customer retention. According to Hashim Tan (2015), the theory provides that there are two fundamental factors which contribute to customer retention, trust and commitment. The theory provides that corporations should focus on fulfilling consumers demands and honouring their commitments towards them. Instead of focusing on short-term profits, the enterprises should implement the principles of trust and commitment which sustains their future growth. Hashim Tan (2015) provided that Trust is defined as the confidence which both parties have a relationship that the other party wont take any harmful actions against the interest of a party. Commitment is referred as a long-term desire to maintain a valu ed and fulfilling relationship. Wang, Wang Liu (2016) stated that organisations focus on maintaining the trust and commitment in their relationship with customers since it increases their loyal towards the brand which contributes to customer retention. In the hospitality industry, the mutual loyalty allows both parties to fulfil their needs since the consumers get services as per their requirements and companies increase their profits due to customer retention. In the hospitality industry, the implementation of Commitment-Trust theory is suitable since the customers are looking for high-quality services for their preferred brands. Leeman Reynolds (2012) mentioned that the firms are required to focus on the requirements and demands of customers in order to ensure that they provide them a positive experience. Customer satisfaction is a key focus for companies in the hospitality industry since it resulted in increasing their profitability and brand value. The customers prefer to recommend and select the services of a hospitality company that provide effective services to its customers. Customer retention is a dependent variable since it is affected by a number of factors which are not in control of the enterprises. The factors which are in control of companies include employee performance, effective customer-oriented policies and others. In the hospitality industry, employees play a crucial role in providing high-quality services to customers . Employees deal with various requirements and demands of customers, and they can provide high-quality services to them in order to ensure that they are satisfied with the company. Therefore, the establishment of commitment and trust between employees is critical to the success of an enterprise in the hospitality industry since it leads to increasing customer retention. As per Sashi (2012), with the popularity of social media and online services, it has become easier for customers to rate and provide their feedback regarding a companys services which encourage other customers to select the services of the firm as well. Therefore, effective services of employees resulted in increasing customer retention which provides corporations a positive brand image which increases their profits. The co relation between employee performance and customer retention There is a significant co-relation between the independent variable (employee performance) and the dependent variable (customer retention) in the hospitality industry. As discussed above, the Commitment-Trust theory assists organisations in increasing their customer retention rate by establishing mutual loyalty between customers and the firm. The theory provides the importance of customer satisfaction in order to improve customer retention rates. The hospitality industry, the satisfaction of customers, is directly influenced by the performance of employees. According to Arnold, Fang Palmatier (2011), effective performance resulted in fulfilling the requirements and demands of customers which increase their satisfaction level. Therefore, it can be stated that there is a substantial impact of employee performance on customer retention because there is a co-relation between them. As compared between the 4M of the hospitality industry, manpower is most important since employees directly deal with customers in order to provide them high-quality services and fulfil their demands. As per Yee, Yeung Cheng (2010), in the hospitality industry, the employees directly interact with customers; therefore, their performance has a direct influence on customer retention. The customer retention rate increases if the performance of employees is effective. In the hospitality industry, the customers are looking for high-quality services from companies in order to ensure that they remain comfortable and relaxed during their vacation or business meetings. Effective services from employees establish a positive relationship between company and customers. Different factors influence the performance of employees such as job dissatisfaction, work stress, heavy workload, disputes and others. Yi, Nataraajan Gong (2011) stated that the corporations are requiring evaluating these factors and implementing appropriate theories to address these issues. After addressing these factors, the employees are able to improve their performance which leads to higher customer satisfaction rates. As per the Commitment-Trust theory, it is necessary that a level of trust is established between employee and customer which can be achieved by their effective commitment. Therefore, companies in the hospitality industry should focus on improving employee performance since it directly influences customer retention. Conclusion Thus, in the limelight of above mentioned events it should be noted that both the process employee performance and customer retention are interlinked to each other but the employee performance is the independent variable whereas customer retention is the dependent variable. The employee performance is also affected through many aspects which are discussed in the above mentioned task and the customer retention is directly linked with employee performance. When the employee will attain satisfaction then they will perform efficiently and when the employees will perform efficiently then the customers will gain satisfaction with services of the organization. And if the customers will gain pleasant experience while traveling with the company then they will make repetitive sales for the same organization and hence retention of the customers of the company will be implemented. Thus, it should be noted that it is very important for the organization to satisfy the customers in the organization then only the dependent variable that is the customers will company will gain retention of customers in the organization. Thus, the above mentioned task explains the literature review on employee performance and customer satisfaction with specific theory and co relation between them. The report justifies the requirements of the task. References Akah, N. W. (2010). Employee Motivation and Performance: Ultimate Companion Limited. Douala-Cameroon, Masters Degree Dissertation, Mikkeli University of Applied Science. Retrieved from Arnold, T. J., Fang, E. E., Palmatier, R. W. (2011). 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

My 2017 Quarterly Goals for My Freelance Writing Business

I havent talked at all about my quarterly goals on this blog. While I have yearly goals set for this business, Im finding that if I break it down in quarters it makes it a bit easier to accomplish. I find that when I publicly share my goals, I inspire others, but more importantly, motivate myself and hold myself accountable to accomplishing my goals. I did lay out my yearly goals for my freelance writing business, but didnt share them on my blog.   Why? Well, a lot of the big goals coincide with my goals for Twins Mommy (my other site). But, I do want to share my quarterly goals that are directly related to my freelance writing business. In the first quarter of the year, my main goals during that time was to fix my free email course and revamp and relaunch my Write Your Way to Your First $1k course. My free email course gets a lot of subscribers in a day. But, looking at the click-through rates and open rates, I found  it goes down a lot towards the end. I have a sales funnel set up for my free email course. The free course teaches you how to land your first client and I make sure to mention my comprehensive course to help them make a living as a writer. But, a lot of subscribers werent reading or opening their emails. I have since learned that my course is going to promotions. So, I have to remove all images and optimize my free course so that people want to open the next email. Did I do that in Q1? Nope. Still in progress. But my second goal of revamping and relaunching my Writeto1k course was accomplished. I came back with a brand new and high-converting sales page (which I love! My husband designed it and I wrote the copy. We make a good team!). I also did five days of Facebook Live streams over on my Facebook page  (that I put on my blog too!) that got people excited about the course. It boosted my sales considerably and Im happy that my course is helping so many aspiring writers that want to make a living with their writing! So, whats in store for Q2? Quarterly Goals for 2017 For the next quarter, my goal is to create another course. For the longest time, I was going to turn my successful Book Clients in 30 Days challenge for my course students into a course. But, Im dragging my feet with this project and for some reason, Im not hooked on it yet. While it may turn into a course later, for now its on hiatus. What I think is better for me at this point in my business is to create a front-end sales funnel. What this means is creating a tripwire product that introduces me and my brand and makes people comfortable buying. Its typically a low-priced offer that packs a lot of value nonetheless. So, Im toying with the perfect tripwire product that people will find valuable and wouldnt mind paying a few dollars for. I know it will be video based and not an eBook. Video is something Ive been becoming more comfortable with since the five days of Facebook Live over on my Facebook page. I really enjoy and like that medium over doing a webinar for example. I can set it up in minutes, have my notes, engage with the audience easily and be finished in 30 minutes or less. My other goal is to optimize my sales funnels for my email list. Right now my free email course generates the most subscribers in a day, but I have other freebies that people opt-in to. I also created a new one and am working on a sales funnel to introduce my course and will do the same on another freebie I have on the blog. Part of this goal is also having a CTA at the end of my blog posts. Im putting my latest freebie at the end of my blog posts (and I made it my lead magnet on my homepage too) as I feel this is a highly valuable guide that a lot of freelance writers need help with (boosting their freelance writing income). Finally, I am collaborating with another freelance writer on doing a course. She will do most of the content and setting it up. My role is providing a guest lesson for her course and Im excited as this is the perfect compliment to Write Your Way to Your First $1k! Im not sure when it will launch but Im excited about it and happy that I accomplished videoing the lesson! As for my service-based business, Im not looking for more clients; I have enough, but am always open to collaborating with my ideal client. So, what this means is Im not actively pitching and Im not negotiating on new inquiries. But, if an influencer approaches me for ghostwriting or a popular digital native brand wants my service, Im not going to say no! Im still a freelance writer. I love writing and blogging and I love networking and collaborating with others. But, for now, my focus is on my course students and product creation. Where I Am Right Now Im sitting in a nice place right now. I have diversified my income to include not only writing projects and course sales, but also affiliate marketing. My Twins Mommy blog is growing and Im getting ready to create a product for that audience as well. My twins are also getting better at playing nicely and having quiet time. They just turned 4 years old and will attend school this fall and they are super excited. My daughter is in dance class, my son is in karate and both are in gymnastics and soccer. With the business doing well and my twins getting older, our plan as a family is to take a vacation. Its tentative, but something that I feel would be great for the twins and make lasting memories before they start school! Over to you – what are your goals for for freelance writing business? Would love to hear about them in the comments!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Blue Ridge Spain Essay Example

Blue Ridge Spain Essay Example Blue Ridge Spain Paper Blue Ridge Spain Paper Overall comments: need to tie narrative to terms/concepts from the book. Should stratify comments into uncontrollable and controllable forces. (like Todd did) Although Blue Ridge Restaurants had success with expansion and joint ventures in Australia, the UK, France, Italy, Brazil and Hong Kong through 1987, many differing factors were at play when Yannis Costas evaluated the market and strategy for the Spain in the 1ate 1990s. Factors described by D. A.Ball, et al, 1, considered relevant in a country screening and assessing market expansion, especially the xx screen, political and legal and the fourth screen, socio-cultural, were not favorable for an aggressive expansion in Spain. The key issues in the Delta Foods expansion in Spain are: Probe deeper on these questions: 1. What are the expertise strengths and unique resources that each partner brought to the joint venture? 2. Why does or doesn’t Blue Ridge need a joint venture in Spain? 3. Why does or doesnt Terralumen need a partner to develop such a business in Spain? Environment for joint venture * Peculiarities for doing business in Spain-failure to use value chain analysis What was the competitive cost position at the end of the value chain? * Terralumen is a package good company looking for restaurant partner * Market demand-package foods industry and non-tapas menu items popular with working professionals in urban areas only * Pressing Spaniards on American goals * Spanish economic trials of 1998-2004 * Lack of implementation plan-see keys to resource deployment Impedances: Socio-Cultural Fear of being exploited * Explain uncertainty avoidance and masculinity/femininity concepts for Terralumen and BR/Delta Cultural differences, as related to doing business, come into play here in the Blue Ridge case Study. Significant cross cultural conflicts between parent companies of different nationalities paved the way for the dissolution of the joint venture between Delta and Terralumen. In a Board of Director’s meeting, the American-Spanish joint venture partners could not work together or agree on common goals and policies, or resolve problems. The Hofstede Model has demonstrated that individuals living in a particular country tend to share similar values, and that they bring these values to the firms for which they work. The stark contrast of cultural values between managers of Delta and Terralumen make it difficult to ensure the success and the longevity of Blue Ridge Spain The European Regional Director, Yannis Costas, is of Greek nationality. According to Hofstede, Greece is high on power distance and high on uncertainty avoidance. In the Greek culture, people respect senior manager and would not prefer a young inexperienced manager. On the one hand Costas has put much effort into the joint venture and identifies with his work. That’s why he wants to help Blue Ridge. On the other hand, he has a good relationship to the Spaniards who value his ability to establish an interpersonal relationship which can also be traced back to his Greek roots. Decisions are made on subjective feelings and he wants a harmonious balance, a consensus. Overall, he is rather on the side of the Spaniards. As a Greek, Costas values the solid interpersonal relationship and trust which he and Francisco Alvarez had built over the years in trying to foster a successful joint venture. Costas was often employed to solve conflicts and mend damaged relationships. He also questioned the ethics of his company’s strategy to secretly achieve the upper hand in buyout negotiations. Alvarez, representing Terralumen, is from Spain. He shares many similar cultural characteristics with Costas, including patience and mutual respect. This explains how Costas and Alvarez have come to establish solid friendship and cooperation throughout the joint venture Add: Impedences: Ethics * Avoid retelling the facts of the case * Is there something in the Donaldson article on ethics? Geoff Dryden and the company he represented faced the ethical dilemma of how one should act when cross the national boundaries; with unfamiliar law and unclear ethical conduct he faced, one should question Geoff conduct. Geoff who had no overseas experience was transferred from US Delta snack food division to Europe had secretly made suggestion to let Terralumen default on its debt so that they can force a buyout. Geoff and Delta did not act ethically by pursuing this strategy which showed ethical imperialism of individual and the company which allowed it to happen; one should not act differently when away from home. People’s perception would be affected if they knew that Delta had intensionally let the other could have financial implication In addition, another unethical moment came from Bill Sawyer when he deceived Costas by suggesting that the company will be hiring someone with experience but in turn they hired someone with very little experience compared to Costas’s. The core values establish a moral compass for business practice†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I honesty and integrity is a universal practice and by Bill’s actions and company’s tolerance of it, it represented low level of ethical standard for himself and the company that did not allow full disclosure in hiring process. Also Terralumen had decided to give power of attorney to one individual who can make a decision that will impact the entire joint venture existence; this decision represent unethical practice for the company. Terralumen should have full disclosure practice that would allow for all critical decision been communicated among joint venture. This practice would have allowed other members a chance to evaluate the decision taken by Terralumen and see what impacts will it have on the existing joint venture. To give the power of attorney to Francisco Alvarez without consultation of other member of joint venture represented unethical act. While the culture and personality of the decision makers impact the important choices made in cases like this one, equally important are the countless spreadsheets and documents that contain the financial factors integral to the success or failure of an international business affair. The original development plan agreed to in 1998 (exhibit 2) was a far more conservative approach that would see approximately ten new stores per year opened in Spain. With an initial capital investment of around $1 million per store, and a lengthy 18-24 period between the time of investment and the construction of the location, the venture would be operating on very thin margins in the early years, with the hope that the continued expansion would lead to higher profits in the latter years of the plan. Financial Analysis Insert your sources/citings Delta’s overly aggressive growth strategy set a goal at expanding at three times the pace of the 1998 agreement. Delta’s decision to utilize a consulting firm based in the U. S. might have been a contributing factor to this unrealistic goal. As Bell (2010) states, sometimes management needs to gather data in the potential market rather than just using desk and field reports. For example, the American consultants might not have been privy to the key money costs of around $100k paid off-the-books to property owners at the signing. With a goal of opening thirty stores per year, this would add an additional $3 million per year in expenses in addition to the other costly expenses. It would’ve also behooved the Delta consultants to consider the uncontrollable economic forces that were going to come into play with their expansion plans. While there were some key economic indicators in Spain working in Delta’s favor, such as a GDP went from just under 3. 5% in early 1997 to over 4. % in early 1998, there were also some warning signs that should have lead them to temper expectations in this market . One of these warning signs deals with Spain’s unemployment rate. As shown by the chart below, Spain’s unemployment rate during this time period was hovering around 20%, although it was beginning to show signs of improvement. While this might be a sign of many possible new hires to work in the restaurants, it also signals a rather weak economy and a potential dearth of customers. Some of the controllable forces that Delta could have adjusted their approach to help the joint venture deal with the exorbitant royalties and fees the company desired to collect from its Spanish partner right from the get-go. Squeezing the restaurants for this money in the early stages of expansions could have a demoralizing and costly effect on the local managers as they attempted to build their business and compete against better known Spanish restaurants. The growth strategy into Germany and France seems to be an overly optimistic one, as well. Blue Ridge already had failed at one attempt to enter the French market, and Germany has a culture vastly different than Spain. How could Delta prognosticate having 55 stores within three years in a country where the business model had been an abject failure years before? Without proper planning and a gradual implementation to determine whether the restaurant could succeed in these markets, the company could be faced with an overburdened agenda that could sink the entire plan. Other U. S. ompanies, such as Wal-Mart, learned this lesson the hard way. 1 Ball, D. A. , Geringer, J. M. , Minor, M. S. , and McNett, J. M. (2010) (Assessing and Analyzing Markets) International Business: the Challenge of Global Competition, (12th ed. ) pp 427-464, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin 2 Donaldson, T â€Å"Values in Tension: Ethics Away From Home. † Reprint No. 96502. Harvard Business Review, 2010. ,65 pg 69-72. coursesmart. com/9781609272852/firstsection#X2ludGVybmFsX1BGUmVhZGVyP3htbGlkPTk3 ODE2MDkyNzI4NTIvNzI=

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Top 5 Less Crowded Sites to Look For Retail Jobs

Top 5 Less Crowded Sites to Look For Retail Jobs You’re looking for a job in retail and it seems that all the usual job search sites are teeming with applicants. You want to find somewhere less crowded and more focused where you can search and apply in peace for your very specific skill set. Try searching off the beaten path for your next retail job- you’ll find employers who aren’t getting absolutely inundated with responses, and you might just find your next job! 1.  All Retail JobsThis site is free, lists from over 12,000 retail employers and recruiters, and lists both management and hourly job openings. You can save search specifications and set up email notifications that match your profile.2. Work In RetailThis site can also send you real-time job recommendations as they are posted. It’s free and focuses on retail- with job postings at any level.3. Retail Careers NowThis site is free, lets you set up an account/alerts, upload your resume, and do market and salary research. Good for both browsing and searching, it highlights â€Å"featured† jobs and employers.4. Retail CrossingThis free site boasts that it’s the â€Å"largest collection of retail jobs on earth.† It displays how many new jobs were posted by week and how many total jobs are currently available to search, and lets you preview your search by job type. You can also upload your resume and get some good general retail career information by browsing through.5. Retail Jobs WebAnother free site, much like the others, this one  very easily lets you search not only by position type but also by industry, or state, or full-time/part-time. You can even search by company, if you already have one in mind.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

McDonald's Public Relations Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

McDonald's Public Relations - Case Study Example This organization need is what has evolved to Corporate Social Responsibility (Bardhan and Weaver, 2011). Corporate Social Responsibility is the attempt by an organization to address some of the emerging issues concerning their role in society. However, there have been debates on some organizations appear to circumvent this responsibility, regardless of corporate social responsibility requirement in social or legal terms (McKee and Lamb, 2009). This paper seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of McDonald’s corporate social responsibility, as well as the organization’s ability to identify public relation opportunities and problems, and their reinvention from bad publicity. The growing public demand and awareness for socially responsibility businesses has prompted business organizations to consider corporate social responsibility. One of the international companies with a corporate social responsibility is McDonalds. McDonalds is the largest food chain in the world, s pecializing in hamburger. McDonalds considers corporate social responsibility as achieving results, maintaining open communication with customers and other stakeholders, and taking actions. As part of its framework for corporate social responsibility, McDonald’s works in association with its suppliers to ensure that its supply chain promotes socially responsible practices (Eyre & Littleton, 2012). According to its website, the organization has code of conduct purposely for its suppliers, which clearly stipulates how the suppliers should treat its customers (Aidoo, 2005). McDonald’s has had success in supporting suppliers phasing out gestation crates in the supply chain. The organization claims that about 50% of all contracted hog farms of Cargill use the new-generation system that do not incorporate gestation stalls. In 2007 for instance, the food chain giant embarked on sustainability projects with efforts of improving the working conditions for its farm workers in th e tomato industry in Florida. The result was an enhanced environmental practice in the agricultural supply chain of the organization and made the farm sustainable. Despite the fact that MacDonald’s buys about 1.5% of the tomatoes in Florida annually, the organization and the suppliers laid down the industry-leading growing standards, improving the working conditions in the farms and making the farm business sustainable (Sriramesh and Vercic, 2009). One of the indicators of MacDonald’s approach and its contribution to the communities is the Flagship Farms Initiative (FAI) in Europe. This particular program involves seven progressive farms that employ innovative farming practices in Europe, carrying out research on the ethical farming practices that incorporate into commercial farming systems. Another prime example is visible in the Sustainable Fisheries program, incorporating the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership. The program essentially lays down sustainable standards that stipulate McDonald’s worldwide purchases for wild-caught fish into making Fillet-o-Fish, thus making the relevant fishery business a sustainable business (Royle, 2005). McDonald’s also engages in donating some of its profit portion to corporate philanthropy as part of its corporate social responsibility. The organization donates to the communities through the Ronald McDonald House Charities, a foundation that aims to create, support, and find programs that improve

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Role of Financial and Accounting Management Essay

The Role of Financial and Accounting Management - Essay Example The income statements are prepared to measure the net income of the organization during a specific period. It compares the revenues and expenses related to the specified period for the purpose of measuring the performance of the firm in terms of profitability, costs incurred and revenues generated. Using this statement, the managers are enabled to compare the previous periods’ results with that of the current period and measure the performance of the firm on the basis of the differences that occurred. For instance, an increase in expenses may help the managers analyze the situations that resulted in excess expenditure. The possible reasons may include increased losses due to poor working conditions, poor employee performance, change of material, increase in production and sales or so on. Hence, the statement of comprehensive income helps in measuring the performance of the business with its own past performance and provides help to the managers with the identification of risk elements that are affecting the performance of the firm. Ratio analysis is another important measure that helps in the measurement of the performance within the organization by comparing the current period’s results with the past results. The statement of changes in equity also helps in the measurement of the changes that occurred in the owner’s equity and the trends that are seen in the contributed capital and retained earnings of the firm. An increase or decrease in the equity shows the performance of the firm over a period of time.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Filipinos Forgiving Nature Essay Example for Free

Filipinos Forgiving Nature Essay Why many Filipino people are forgiving? Giving offenders a â€Å"second chance† rather than punishing them is inherently Filipino. Let’s take for example the apology offered by the Magdalo mutineers which comes as no surprise in light of the Filipinos forgiving nature. Despite the very good laws we have here in the Philippines, we don’t think settlement of it will still be possible. We rarely condemn people, we just require them to change their ways. Ms. Arroyo’s granting of amnesty towards the Magdalo mutineers is just one of the issues that shows Filipinos tend to forgvive. We are not very legalistic except on impersonal matters, such as cases involving money or disputes between big corporations that don’t have a human face. For example, everyone agrees that we should go after tax evasion. Under the Filipino concept of justice, what is prescribed by law is not necessarily just. We tend to forgive easily when we find something valid in the reasons behind the offense. That’s why we have the phrase ‘nadadaan sa magandang usapan’. The way we are raised by our families could affect the way we understand and look into the contexts of one’s behavior. For example, rather than be rigid over rights or claims, step siblings generally do not regard with spite but look after each other’s welfare even when one is illegitimate. And of course, the prodigal child is always given a second chance. No wonder why there are many unresolved cases in the Philippines. Some were given pardon by the government like the case of the former president Ejercito Estrada. Could it be the government’s way to come clean in the eyes of other countries in promoting the tourism industry? To front them that it’s easy to settle agreements here would attract many investors in the country. We‘ll, if that’s the case, many might really take advantage on the situation. And this would just prove that we don’t have rigid implementation of the very good laws here in the Philippines. This is also the reason why some government officials seems relaxed and other foreign countries doesn’t give much importance on Filipinos welfare in their land and they just take it easy when it comes to Filipinos. Maybe because they know the fact that we don‘t experience justice even in our own land, and we are used to it. Pity to those who really experience that kind of treatment. Upon hearing this, I bursted to the cab driver saying ito hirap sating mga Pinoy e, kapag tayo nahuli sa ibang bansa ng drug trafficking death penalty, kapag sila nahuli natin wala pang isang linggo nakalaya na. Theres a big problem with our government or our Filipino blood we are too soft, too forgiving. This is one of the reasons why most of us have no pride and dignity when we are in another soil. I really want to thank Manny Pacquiao for giving the Filipinos some pride. How should other country value our laws when we Filipinos don’t put much attention to these and some just don‘t take it seriously? When we are in their country we are treated like rats but when they are in our country they are treated like kings. I dont know what‘s wrong. If a Filipino guy will enter a building in his own country the security guard will look for an ID with intense body search but if they will see that the guest is a foreigner, Filipinos will happily greet them without checking their bags not even thinking that they could be the terrorist that will kill them. I have nothing against to any foreigners but I got beef with my own blood. If this will continue, probably we will become slaves in our own country.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Children and Gangs Essay -- Gang Essays

The problem of gangs is growing, and not only in major city centers. The Justice Department says there are now 30,000 gangs with more than 800,000 members. The National Youth Gang Centre (NYGC), which conducts an annual survey that is funded by the Justice Department, concedes that every town of 250,000 people now has a gang problem. Many young adults who join gangs may do it for the following reasons: - Gangs may offer kids a powerful group identity and a kind of recognition they cannot get at home or elsewhere. - Protection - If there are many gangs in an area, joining one of them may offer protection from rival gangs. - Feeling of Belonging - Gang activity may offer a feeling of being a part of a "family" that is missing in the child's home. The child becomes loyal to the gang's values, rather than those of the home. - Intimidation - Threats and violent beatings may be used to force youths to join. - Excitement - Gang activity may seem attractive to kids who are bored, lack interests and direction, or do not feel good about themselves. The media has glamorized gangs in music, movies, and video games. This adds to the excitement associated with them. - Peer Pressure - Kids are pressured to join gangs if others around them are gang members. - Financial Benefit - Kids see being in a gang as an easy way to gain money and new possessions. - Lack of Knowledge - Kids, especially young ones, do not realize the true dangers of being in a gang. So how d...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Chemistry thermo lab, Hess’s Law Essay

Introduction: In this lab, we will be determining the change in enthalpy for the combustion reaction of magnesium (Mg) using Hess’s law. Procedure: 1. React about 100 mL of 1.00 M hydrochloric acid with 0.80 g of MgO. Note the change in temperature and any qualitative data. 2. React about 100 mL of 1.00 M hydrochloric acid with 0.50 g of Mg. Note the change in temperature and any qualitative data. Raw Data: Quantitative: Reaction, trial Mass ( ± 0.01 g) Initial temperature ( ± 0.1à ¢Ã‚ ° C) Final temperature ( ± 0.1à ¢Ã‚ ° C) Volume of HCl ( ± 0.05 mL) Reaction 1, Trial 1 0.80 22.0 26.9 100.00 Reaction 1, Trial 2 0.80 22.2 26.9 100.00 Reaction 2, Trial 1 0.50 21.6 44.4 100.00 Reaction 2, Trial 2 0.50 21.8 43.8 100.00 Qualitative: 1. Hydrochloric acid is colorless and odorless 2. Magnesium tape is shiny after cleaning it from oxidants, increasing its purity. 3. In both reactions, the solution became bubbly. 4. There was a strong odor from the reaction. Data Processing: Trial 1: Reaction 1: First, we have to calculate the ΔT by subtracting the final temperature by initial temperature: 1. 2. 3. Now we calculate the mass of the solution, assuming it has the density as water: 1. 2. 3. 4. Now, we can use q=mc ΔT to calculate the energy gained by the solution: 1. 2. 3. Therefore: 1. Now, we have to calculate the number of moles for MgO: 1. 2. 3. We can now calculate the change in enthalpy by dividing the q of the reaction by the moles of the limiting reagent: 1. Now, we do reaction 2, trial 1 so we can use Hess’s law to calculate the change in enthalpy of formation, but first we are going to calculate the uncertainty in this expression: First, we calculate the uncertainty for the: 1. 2. 3. Now for mass: 1. 2. As for the energy gained: 1. 2. Now for the energy of the reaction: 1. It is multiplied by an integer (-1) so it is the same unc. As for the moles: 1. 2. Finally, the change in enthalpy: 1. 2. 3. Reaction 2: First, we have to calculate the ΔT by subtracting the final temperature by initial temperature: 1. 2. Now we calculate the mass of the solution, assuming it has the density as water: 1. 2. 3. Now, we can use q=mc ΔT to calculate the energy gained by the solution: 1. 2. Therefore: 1. Now, we have to calculate the number of moles for MgO: 1. 2. We can now calculate the change in enthalpy by dividing the q of the reaction by the moles of the limiting reagent: 1. I will now calculate the uncertainties: First, we calculate the uncertainty for the: 1. 2. Now for mass: 1. 2. As for the energy gained: 1. 2. Now for the energy of the reaction: 1. It is multiplied by an integer (-1) so it is the same unc. As for the moles: 1. 2. Finally, the change in enthalpy: 1. 2. 3. Now, we use Hess’s law to calculate the change of enthalpy of formation: 1. MgO(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2O(l) 2. Mg (s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2 (g) 3. H2(g) + 0.5 O2(g) H2O(l) (given) By reversing reaction number 1, we can get our targeted reaction: Mg (s) + 0.5 O2(g) MgO(s) Now to calculate the change of enthalpy, which will be the change of enthalpy of formation? 1. 2. Our final result is: 1. Mg (s) + 0.5 O2(g) MgO(s) Random error and percent error: We can calculate the random error by just adding the random errors of the component reactions: 1. 2. 3. As for the percent error: 1. 2. 3. Trial 2: Reaction 1: First, we have to calculate the ΔT by subtracting the final temperature by initial temperature: 1. 2. Now we calculate the mass of the solution, assuming it has the density as water: 1. 2. 3. Now, we can use q=mc ΔT to calculate the energy gained by the solution: 1. 2. 3. Therefore: 1. Now, we have to calculate the number of moles for MgO: 1. 2. 3. We can now calculate the change in enthalpy by dividing the q of the reaction by the moles of the limiting reagent: 1. Now, we do reaction 2, trial 1 so we can use Hess’s law to calculate the change in enthalpy of formation, but first we are going to calculate the uncertainty in this expression: First, we calculate the uncertainty for the: 1. 2. 3. Now for mass: 1. 2. As for the energy gained: 1. 2. Now for the energy of the reaction: 1. It is multiplied by an integer (-1) so it is the same unc. As for the moles: 1. 2. Finally, the change in enthalpy: 1. 2. 3. Reaction 2: First, we have to calculate the ΔT by subtracting the final temperature by initial temperature: 1. 2. Now we calculate the mass of the solution, assuming it has the density as water: 1. 2. 3. Now, we can use q=mc ΔT to calculate the energy gained by the solution: 1. 2. Therefore: 1. Now, we have to calculate the number of moles for MgO: 1. 2. We can now calculate the change in enthalpy by dividing the q of the reaction by the moles of the limiting reagent: 1. I will now calculate the uncertainties: First, we calculate the uncertainty for the: 1. 2. Now for mass: 1. 2. As for the energy gained: 1. 2. Now for the energy of the reaction: 1. It is multiplied by an integer (-1) so it is the same unc. As for the moles: 1. 2. Finally, the change in enthalpy: 1. 2. 3. Now to calculate the change of enthalpy, which will be the change of enthalpy of formation: 1. 2. Our final result is: 1. Mg (s) + 0.5 O2(g) MgO(s) Random error and percent error: We can calculate the random error by just adding the random errors of the component reactions: 1. 2. 3. As for the percent error: 1. 2. 3. Processed data: Trial 1 Trial 2 of reaction 1 -104 kJ/mol ( ± 2.10%) -99 kJ/mol ( ± 2.19%) of reaction 2 -463 kJ/mol ( ± 0.509%) -446 kJ/mol ( ± 0.525%) of MgO -645 kJ/mol ( ± 2.61%) -633 kJ/mol ( ± 2.72%) Conclusion and Evaluation: In this lab, we determined the standard enthalpy change of formation of MgO using Hess’s law. First, we reacted HCl with MgO for the first reaction and got -104 kJ/mol ( ± 2.10%) for trial 1 and -99 kJ/mol ( ± 2.19%) for trial 2. As for reaction 2, where you react, I got -463 kJ/mol ( ± 0.509%) for trial 1 and -446 kJ/mol ( ± 0.525%) for trial 2. When we use Hess’s Law, we have to reverse reaction 1 to get the targeted equation, Mg (s) + 0.5 O2(g) MgO(s), and we get an enthalpy change value of -645 kJ/mol ( ± 2.61%) for trial 1, and -633 kJ/mol ( ± 2.72%) for trial 2. For trial 1, my value got a percent error of 7.14%, which is not that bad considering the weaknesses this lab had that will be discussed in the evaluation. However, in trial 2, I got a better percent error, which is 5.15%, we got a better value because we had a bigger ΔH values thus when adding them (since one of them is positive and the other two is negative) we get a smaller value for the enthalpy change of formation thus bringing us closer to the theoretical value. The biggest weakness in this lab was the impurity of the substances, the assumptions that we made about the HCl solution, for example, we assumed that the specific heat capacity of the solution is the same as water, which is an assumption that is not a 100% accurate and affected our ΔH values for both reactions and eventually our final ΔHf value. To fix this, In the different range of specific heat capacity values, 4.10 j/g k would have been more appropriate to get closer to our theoretical values, as you get a bigger qrxn values thus bigger ΔH values. Another thing that I noticed is that the theoretical value that I got was the â€Å"Standard† enthalpy change of formation. Standard meaning at standard conditions which are at 293 K and 101.3 kPa for pressure. These weren’t the conditions in the lab when I did the experiment. This might alter the experimental value closer to the theoretical value reducing the percent error.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Display designers Essay

Display designers design and decorate displays in stores and other public places. They sketch designs or use a computer to produce plans. They also source or make, the furniture and props for the display. Some work as visual merchandisers, arranging products according to company display policy. The display designer is responsible for interpreting the ‘look’ of the store. Sometimes, this look is determined by head office, so that every store in the country (and often those overseas) presents an identical image. In this case, the designer will probably work as part of a display team, which includes fashion designers and graphic artists, designing the overall corporate image. A related role within retail display is that of the visual merchandiser. Visual merchandisers do not have the same amount of creative flexibility as display designers. Rather, they arrange products in store according to a prescribed display policy. Visual merchandisers working in a hotel or business environment will put up displays that have been created for them by graphics or exhibition designers. Store displays are changed regularly and tend to be centred around the seasons of the year. For example, a fashion store might split the year into two halves, the first running from January to June, the second from July to Christmas. Each season might have three themes, so that the first half of the year is divided into ‘early spring’, ‘mid-spring/early summer’ and ‘high summer’ themes. Designs may also be influenced by particular events in the calendar such as Valentine’s Day or Christmas, or whether the store is running a particular promotion. Display designers may get ideas from films and shows or use big celebrations, such as the Millennium, as inspiration. Ideas can be based on popular stories, the use of colour and light, humour or the latest fashion trends. Planning starts months in advance. By April, most stores have already decided how they are going to dress their autumn displays. Display designers first study a profile of the store’s customers and decide what kind of displays would most reflect a customer’s lifestyle. Then, in liaison with store management and the buyers, they come up with ideas within a set budget. They sketch designs, or use computer-aided design and perhaps make models with colour swatches to show how the merchandise will be presented, making best use of the available space. Once the designs have been accepted, the display designer sets about sourcing materials. A display can be complex or minimalist, depending on current fashions or a display designer’s particular style. A summer display could involve building a garden scene, using deckchairs, parasols and decking. Other designs may involve a simple series of panels, or a blown up photograph used as a backdrop. A display designer will have to consider colours and fabrics, lighting, the shape and grouping of props, the type of flooring and dressing of mannequins. Props can usually be hired or bought from specialist companies, but most display designers have to make some props and for this they will need a range of skills, from painting to carpentry. Stores are increasingly moving into what is called ‘retail theatre’, where they create a complete visual experience for the customer within a themed area. Displays must also be maintained and display staff are responsible for making repairs and dismantling and cleaning the relevant areas between each design. They may also be responsible for organising advertising material and set design for events such as in-store fashion shows. The principles of retail design apply to other areas, including exhibition design, point-of-sale design, product promotion, museum display and set decoration for film and television. Work Environment Display staff spend most of their time indoors, working from an office or studio within the store. If they are based at a company’s headquarters they will travel to stores with a photo or sketch to help them complete the required displays. A great deal of time is spent on the shop floor or in shop windows, creating displays. This work involves a lot of walking around, climbing ladders, lifting and carrying, so wearing the right footwear is vital. Shop windows can also get very hot in summer. They may visit suppliers and contractors, and will make trips to other stores to see their displays. Job opportunities also exist within exhibitions, trade fairs, hotels, television and film studios (set dressing), airports, seaports and on board ship. This kind of work is more likely to involve staying away from home for one or more nights. Skills and Interests Someone considering a career in display must have an artistic streak, with plenty of creative flair. The ability to think three-dimensionally is important, as is having a natural eye for colour and composition. Display designers need imagination as well as the ability to translate other people’s ideas into eye-catching designs. It is important that they are up to date with all the latest design trends. They need the practical skills to work with a range of materials, from MDF board to fabric, and an appreciation of the principles of lighting design. IT and computer aided design skills (CAD) are important, as well as technical drawing skills. Budgeting skills can be useful for the more senior positions. Display designers and visual merchandisers usually work alone but, as the retail industry is characterised by team work, it is important to have strong interpersonal skills. The ability to communicate design ideas to others is essential, as is working to tight deadlines. Stamina is important for what can be a physically tiring job. A display associate who has completed a college course is likely to start in a junior position within a store display team. They carry out a range of tasks such as cleaning and preparing windows and in-store display areas, ready for dressing. They will also arrange displays and make and repair props, all under the supervision of a display manager. A new entrant is likely to be given a practical test where they may have to suggest approaches to a window display or dress mannequins. Some stores promote talented retail staff into display positions and offer them the opportunity to attend courses on a day release basis, although this route is now less common. Relevant full-time courses include the HND in Display Design offered by the Central College of Commerce, Glasgow. Subjects covered include 3-D design, lighting, CAD and designing A display designer generally works a 40-hour week, including Saturdays. Although the work is not restricted to nine-to-five, unsociable hours are rare. It may be necessary, however, to work late in order to finish a display, particularly before Christmas when weekend work may also be required.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Egyptian Afterlife

Egyptian Afterlife Table of Contents  · Introduction2  · General Information, Main.3-6 o Mummification...3 o Journey to Yaru..4 o Recitation to the Gods4 o Myth and Rituals.5 o Opening of the Mouth Ceremony5  · Conclusion5-6  · Bibliography.7 Egyptian Afterlife Introduction Many ancient civilizations of the world have been unraveled, but one in particular interests me the most. The astonishing beliefs and lifestyle of the ancient Egyptians are unlike any other of its time or any time at all. These Egyptians had developments and beliefs that are still in some ways a mystery, but as the years go by, we begin to learn more. If you ever wondered what the meanings of some burial traditions or what mummies really were, you'll find out as you read along. I will discuss the procedures and beliefs of Egyptian afterlife.Egyptian Afterlife General/Main Information Once an Egyptian dies, there are several things that can be done with their remains.Egyptian VOne thing that we discovered that can be done wit h the remains is the process of mummification, which was only performed on certain people. So let's start there.The process of mummification is the form of embalming practiced by the ancient Egyptians that changed over time from the Old Kingdom (ca. 2750-2250 B.C.), when it was available only to kings, to the New Kingdom (ca. 1539-1070 B.C.), when it was available to everyone. The level of mummification depended on what one could afford. The most fully developed form involved five basic steps: 1. All of the internal organs, except the heart, were removed. Since the organs were the first parts of the body to decompose but were necessary in the afterlife, they were mummified and put in canopic jars that were placed in the tomb at the time of burial. They would take out the stomach and...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tips on How to Set College Goals

Tips on How to Set College Goals Having goals in college can be a great way to stay focused, motivate yourself, and keep your priorities in order when things get stressful and overwhelming. But just how can you set your college goals in a way that sets you up for success? Think About Your End Goals What kind of goals do you want to achieve during your time in school? These goals can be large (graduate in 4 years) or small (attend a study session for chemistry once a week for at least a month). But having a main goal in mind is the first, and perhaps most important step, in setting realistic goals. Be Specific With Your Goals Instead of Do better in Chemistry, set your goal as Earn at least a B in Chemistry this term. Or better yet: Study at least an hour a day, attend one group study session a week, and go to office hours once a week, all so that I can earn a B in Chemistry this term. Being as specific as possible while setting your goals can help make your goals as realistic as possible- meaning youll be more likely to achieve them. Be Realistic About Your Goals If you barely passed most of your classes last semester and are now on academic probation, setting a goal of earning a 4.0 next semester is probably unrealistic. Spend some time thinking about what makes sense for you as a learner, as a student, and as a person. If youre not a morning person, for example, setting the goal of waking up at 6:00 a.m. every morning to hit the gym is probably not realistic. But setting the goal of getting in a good workout after your Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon Shakespeare class probably is. Similarly, if youve been struggling with your academics, set reasonable goals that focus on helping you make progress and improve in ways that seem reachable. Can you leap from a failing grade last semester to an A this semester? Probably not. But you can aim to improve to, say, at least a C if not a B-. Think About a Realistic Timeline Setting goals within a time frame will help you set deadlines for yourself. Set goals for a week, a month, a semester, each year (first-year, sophomore year, etc.), and graduation. Every goal you set for yourself, too, should have some kind of time frame attached. Otherwise, youll end up putting off what you need to do since theres no deadline by which you promised yourself youd reach your goal. Think About Your Personal and Intellectual Strengths Setting goals can be challenging for even the most driven, determined college students. If you set yourself up to do things that are a bit too challenging, however, you can end up setting yourself up for failure instead of for success. Spend some time thinking about your own personal and intellectual strengths. Use your strong organization skills, for example, to create a time management system so you stop pulling all-nighters every time you have a paper due. Or use your strong time management skills to figure out which co-curricular commitments you need to cut in order to focus more on your academics. In essence: use your strengths to find ways to overcome your weaknesses. Translate Your Strengths Into Details Using your strengths- which everyone has, so dont sell yourself short!- is the best way to get from idea to reality. When setting goals, then, use your strengths to make sure you: Have a plan and a way to get there. What is your goal? What specific things are you going to do to reach it? By when?Have a way to check your progress. How will you know if your goal is working? When will check in with yourself to see if youre making the smaller steps you need to take along the route to reaching your big goal?Have a way to hold yourself accountable. What will happen if you dont do what you promised yourself youd do? What will you change?Have a way to adapt to change. Inevitably, something will happen that will throw a wrench in your plans. So what will you do to adjust to change? Being too strict with your goals can be counterproductive, too, so make sure youre flexible.Have rewards built in along the way. Dont forget to reward yourself for reaching mini-goals along the way to reaching your big goals! Setting and working toward goals takes major work and dedication. Reward yourself to keep your motivation up and to, well, just be nice to yourself. Because who doesnt like a little recognition, right?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

History Reviews Questions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History Reviews Questions - Case Study Example According to the report  the adversary denotes the participants in a contest between two equal opponents on trial and the trial usually take place under a formal guidance of the court. Witnesses were occasionally involved to provide their accounts voluntarily or under swearing of an oath. The adversarial system rests its faith in the assumptions that partisan advocacy and manipulation of evident materials coupled with equality can put a judge in the position to determine the truth. The type of system is mostly used in countries with legal misdemeanour such as minor traffic offences.This essay discusses that  the adoption of inquisitorial justice was connected to the use of terror in the trials in that, some of the individuals were able to twist their cases in courts to warrant for a thorough investigative process. While the process of investigation was going on to extort the truth, some of the accusers used to commit terror to disrupt the investigative process. Witchcraft was tri ed in secular courts despite being a spiritual crime; this was perhaps because of the extent of damages it caused in the society. There were beliefs that witchcrafts caused many calamities like sickness, death and other misfortunes. It was these other civil related crimes that made witches be tried in the secular courts. The early official church teaching was that there were no existence of the witches, yet the ancient legal procedures including the inquisition of heretics, mostly the Albigensian and the Waldensians.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Biography Of Benjamin Franklin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biography Of Benjamin Franklin - Essay Example Despite his achievements at school, he was removed from school at the age of 10 to work at candle making with his Dad. At the age of 12, Benjamin was apprenticed to his brother James at his printing shop by his father. Benjamin took on the fake name Mrs. Silence when James refused to publish any of his writings. With this, his imaginative and amusing letters were in print in his brother’s news paper. When the letters were discovered to be Benjamin’s, James was very angry. After that, Benjamin escaped to New York, although he settled in Philadelphia, this is the place he settled for the rest of his life (Sherrow 7). During the 1730s, Franklin’s prominence and success grew very much at the end of the 1732 with the publication of Poor Richard’s Almanack. He established a lending library for people to share his zeal for reading, and he chosen the Grand Master of Pennsylvania Mason, postmaster of Philadelphia and clerk of the state assembly. In the 1740s, Franklin went up into entrepreneurship with his invention of the Franklin stove; he also rose into scientific pursuit. In 1750, he conducted the kite-and-key experiment and some of his electricity theories were published in England the preceding year. He was tapped as an ambassador to represent the Pennsylvania Assembly, Georgia, Massachusetts and New Jersey, in England. He went on working towards colonial union and in 1766 he hold up the repeal of the Stamp Act (Dubourcq 10). Having mapped the postal routes in 1762, Franklin was designated the second Continental Congress and as a postmaster general in 1775. Moreover, in 1776, he was among the five men who drafted the Declaration of Independence. Also he was one of the men who planned the Article of Confederation. In 1785, Franklin returned to America from France. He was chosen to stand for Pennsylvania at the constitutional convention that planned and ratified the new U.S constitution. He took part in electing

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Quoting, summarizing and paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quoting, summarizing and paraphrasing - Essay Example Employers using the services of these people usually pay them much below the minimum wages. It should also be noted that not all illegal immigrants enter a country voluntarily. Many times girls from poor family are deceived into thinking that they will get good jobs in the foreign country and then smuggled into a country for prostitution. This kind of illegal immigration is a problem in Middle East and Europe (Illegal Immigration, In recent years, the problem of illegal immigration has become a cause of concern in the United States. The state has stepped enforcement measures leading to many illegal immigrants feeling insecure. The Pew Hispanic Center carried out a survey in 2007 to understand the view of the Hispanics, the largest minority group in the US, regarding the recent tough stand of the administration against the illegal immigrants. The study found that â€Å"just over half of all the Hispanic adults in the United States worry that they, a family member or a close friend could be deported.† Many Hispanics are also wary of the inability of the government to enact an immigration reform bill. It was also widely felt that increased public attention was making life more difficult for them and that they were less likely to use government services or travel abroad. As many is 75% of all the Hispanics surveyed opposed stepped up enforcement measures against illegal immigrants. However, non-Hispanics supported such measures and there was a â€Å"wide variance in the views of the Hispanics and the non-Hispanics.† (Pew Hispanic Center). The survey also found that even within the Hispanic community there was significant variance between the views of native-born and foreign born Hispanics, with native born Hispanics having a view closer to that of the rest of the US population. These enforcement measures were stepped up after the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Political And Economic Stability In Singapore

Political And Economic Stability In Singapore MICE industry is increasing rapidly and create tremendous amount of profits worldwide in tourism sector. MICE stand for meeting, incentives, conferences and exhibition which driving ahead as a key growth driver. The MICE industry plays a very important role and economic contributor in Singapores tourism industry. There are many factors that makes Singapore become a major MICE destination in the world. Singapore is working hard to stay on top of the competitive business event arena and now Singapore is ranked as the top convention city in Asia for ninth times. Singapore has the first class conventions venue such as Singapore Expo. Besides, Singapores pro business environment, multi-ethnic landscape, strategic geographic location and multi lingual populace has attract many business travellers prefer to do their business tourism in Singapore. With its strategic location, government support and all those strengthen factors; it makes Singapore boost them to hit the highest achievement in this sector. The influencing factors are divided into few different categories. 1.2 Problem Statement This research is about how Singapore develops themselves to become a major MICE destination among the world. At the moment, they are doing a very great job as a MICE destination in Singapore. In fact, there are several factors that influence Singapore as a MICE destination. 1.3 Research Question What is MICE industry all about? What are the major factors that influence Singapore as a major MICE destination in the world? What makes Singapore become a major MICE destination in the world? The forecast be for this sector in Singapore and why? What makes Singapore continuously attracts high profile and highly rated international business events? What have Singapores government done in order to boost up their MICE industry among the world? 1.4 Research Objective This research is going to find out the factors that influence Singapore as a major MICE destination in the world. By carry out this research, the MICE industry in Singapore has growth rapidly and future lifestyle as well. Besides, there is also the understanding of how importance MICE industry that could affect Singapores tourism sector and to find out the reason why business travelers loyalty toward Singapore as their favorite MICE destination. Lastly, this research also show the evaluate business travelers benefit and interest by organizing an event in Singapore. 1.5 Conceptual Framework Define MICE industry in Singapore Strategic Location Critical Mass Communication Infrastructure Stability political and economic in Singapore The major factors that influence Singapore as a major MICE Destination in the world Excellent transportation system and telecommunication connectivity. Excellent meeting and conference venue. Pro Business environment and governments support The forecast be for this sector in Singapore Figure 1.1 According to this figure 1.1, it illustrates the major factor that influences Singapore as a major MICE destination in the world. The purpose of showing this figure is to demonstrate the topic of this report. The theory framework will show the reason why Singapore can become a ideal MICE destination to the business travellers. Firstly, this research shows aspect that could influence Singapore as a major MICE destination. Besides this, the report also shows how Singapore develops their MICE industry in tourism sector. Lastly, will be the evaluation of forecast for this sector in Singapore. 1.6 Scope and Limitation The scope for this research is to focus on Singapore MICE industry. Besides that, is to observe how Singapores MICE industry growth rapidly within these few years, how they develop their MICE industry in order to increase the amount of tourist and to predict Singapores MICE industry in the future. The time constraint will be the limitation as this research paper due to the study period of time which is from January 2010 to June 2010. It s about half year time, due to the limited time the researcher may face the difficulties when finding the resources and getting the information from journals, online journals, newspaper, websites, books and etc. There is only limited and restricted literature for Singapore MICE industry that is related in the journal databases such as EBSCO Host, Ebrary, and Google Scholar, and some of the sources that provided were not up to date. But this is a challenge for me to do more on this research. Significance of the Study This research aims to gain an understanding on how Singapores MICE industry growth rapidly in tourism sector. To carry out this research, Singapore is working hard and put themselves out on top of the challenging business events field. This research is very important and very useful. Through this research, the targeted readers which are interested in organize a conference event in Singapore can refer to and to find out the reason why Singapore can be a major MICE destination in the world by maintains their quality and their MICE facilities. Other than that, this research could recommend targeted readers to choose Singapore as their ideal MICE destination. Chapter 2 Review of the Related Literature 2.1 MICE Industry in Singapore MICE industry is increasing rapidly and create a tremendous amount of profits worldwide in tourism sector. MICE are acronym of meeting, incentives, conferences and exhibition which driving ahead as a key growth driver. Europe and North America has been stated as one of the front MICE destination but Asia also one of the country that involves a lot in this industry. Singapore is not an exception. The MICE industry plays a very important role and economic contributor in Singapores tourism industry. A new era of tourism development and attractions will be gearing up for major revitalization by Singapores tourism sector; it will also re-define Singapores tourism landscape. Singapore has the first class conventions and exhibition facilities such as SINGAPORE EXPO and SUNTEC Singapore international convention exhibition centre. In addition, Singapore has outstanding communication infrastructure, it provides more convenience to tourist travel from one place to another domestically and internationally. Singapores pro business environment, multi-ethnic landscape, strategic geographic location and multi lingual populace has attract many business travellers prefer to do their business tourism in Singapore and accompaniment by MICE facilities, infrastructure, expertise and proficient in event management. Singapore put themselves out on top of the challenging business events field. Singapore MICE industry has grown rapidly and now Singapore is ranked the world top three cities for meetings by the Unions of International Associations (UIA). Apparently Singapore has been stated and positioned as the Top Convention City all around Asia for ninth time and the Third Top Convention City around the world for the second consecutive year by ICCA Ranking. Singapore has leapfrogged two score to reach on top of the ranking, defeating Paris and Vienna and providing its goal to be the top of the universe an improvement. 2.2 The factors that could influence Singapore as a major MICE destination in the world. There are many factors that can manipulate Singapore to become a major MICE destination in the world and it also could affect their tourism sector by increase MICE events in their own country. The factors also can be consider as their strength mean while it is a positive factor that can enhance their MICE sector to becoming the Best City for MICE events among the world in the future. 2.2.1 Critical Mass The most important factor is it has critical mass; it has been awarded by the Union of International Association (UIA) and Asias top convention city for several years. By developing a critical mass of MICE event is this industry, this will helps to create an eco-system of business event that harmonize one anothers existence. Business event not only generate enliven of MICE industry in the mean time its also build up Singapores value intention as a MICE destination. For the past few years, Singapore has increase the amount of international meetings. These shows from the creativity and quality of the Singapore MICE industry and construct Singapore constantly catch the attention of high-profile international business event. 2.2.2 Strategic Location Secondly, Singapore has a strategic geographic location which is central location in Asia and also a connection between east and west. It also acts as key district hubs for Asia. This strategic location makes Singapore exert a pull on global businesses and it smoothly links around the world. There were few big events of different industries was held in Singapore such as Asia Aerospace, Food Hotel Asia, Communic Asia and Broadcast Asia and etc. The feedback was great. Singapore is a safe hospitable country; this is also one of the reasons that event organizers choose Singapore. Beside this, Singapore Changi Airport is also one of the busiest airlines in the world, which connects to over 180 cities in 50 countries and is categorize as a premier International Maritime Centre. Its wide ranging air and sea linkages allow ones business to allowed 2.8 billion people within a seven hours flight radius. Singapore Tourism Board claims that Singapore position attest to its appeal as a premium business travel and meetings, incentive travel, convention and exhibition destination 2.2.3 Stability political and economic in Singapore Singapore has a good reputation of efficient, honest and politically stable government compare to other countries. Singapores stability of political gives the trust of safe for business travellers to decide to organise events in Singapore. Singapore is a knowledge-based economy and attracts worldwide investments. This may attract foreign investors flock its shores because of their open trade procedure, social stability, world class infrastructure and international communication links. The stability of Singapores economic also will raise the amount of business travellers invest in promoting their product in Singapore. The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2008 stated that Singapore as the worlds second most competitive economy. The stability political and economic growth is sustain by the government of Singapore, it helps to attract more business travellers to held their event in Singapore with no burden compare to their competitors such as Malaysia and Hong Kong. 2.2.4 Communication Infrastructure Singapore is well known by their efficiency and good communication infrastructure have allow it to attract a whole train of international events including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in 2009 and the forth coming event will be the first-ever summer Youth Olympic Games which falls on 14th August 2010 to 26th August 2010. Singapore also attracts business travellers to contribute to its achievements as a main destination for both business and entertainments. Singapore has rated the top in terms of basic infrastructure and technology infrastructure in the World Competitiveness Yearbook. Its efficiency through latest technology and modern infrastructure makes Singapore MICE industry speedily grow in tourism industry. 2.2.5 Pro Business environment and Government Support Singapore is recognized as a PRO business environment and its recommended as the most beneficial place in the world for businessman to start their business there. In facts, Singapore has been noted as No 1 in terms of Ease of Doing businesses for the past four years by the World Bank. Singapore is one of the lowest corporate and income tax rates among the most of the countries. The government has improves the firm environment to help business manage more efficiently. Singapore has effectively reached a good amount of association meetings by its well-built business basics and plans to assemble a active ecosystem of business events. Singapore Tourism Board (STB) said All vital signs are pointing towards the return of business confidence in the Singapore business event sector, fuelled by dynamic developments taking place within the tourism landscape. Leverage in our sterling track record and a sound business fundamental, Singapore has secured a robust pipeline of business events, including key international association meeting in coming years. The general pro-business environment gives Singapore a competitive boundary as a major MICE destination in the world. There is another reason that makes Singapore become a PRO business environment and MICE destination because of the strongly government support through Singapore Tourism Board (STB), government support was the key to make an event successful. Singapores government give fully support in this sector and contributes Singapore as a vibrant business environment. Singapore devoted a lot in promoting the MICE business and also their tourist attractions because conventions and event have the ability to make more profits and jobs in short term and it can increase the interrelated investment and the amount of visitation on longer term. The Singapore Exhibition and Convention Bureau (SECB), a group of the STB has develop the Business Events in Singapore (BE in Singapore) its help business events organizers release a higher amount of events. Besides, Singapore Tourism Board (STB) also launched another campaign Make It Singapore and it helps to offer marketing support and motivation to potential MICE business. Furthermore, Singapore is has the professionalism in the MICE industry that can makes Singapore to be a global exchange core where people can gather and share their ideas and knowledge. 2.2.6 Excellent meeting and conference venue and offers venue Singapore is a global core for business and leisure and it is also a best option for convention and events. The excellences of hotel ballrooms and with the first class convention centres, Singapore has continuously recreates with new event location and attraction such as Marina Bay Sands Singapore. Marina Bay attractions will create a unique MICE venue that we cannot found elsewhere in Asia with international standard MICE facilities and services. MICE facilities in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Expo, Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre are amalgamate to boost Singapores attractiveness as a business and leisure destination. Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre and Singapore Expo are defined as a favourite choice for all find of business event due to their huge exhibition spacious. A good convention centre, exhibition halls and meeting venue plays a very important role when we organize an event. 2.2.7 Excellent Transportation System and Telecommunications Connectivity Singapore posses of efficiency and excellent public transportation system, which includes cabs, buses and the modern Mass Rapid Transport (MRT) rail system same goes to their air transportation. Tourists can get around in Singapore with no burden due to their excellent transport system. An outstanding network of railway system and buses connect travellers to reach any point of the city and the public transportation prices are reasonable to everyone. Singapore provides convenience for foreign business travellers to reach any destination, conference venues and attractions with their public transport system on time due to their punctuality of railway systems. The newly opened MRT network has made ease of access to conference venue such as Suntec Singapore and Singapore Expo, it made convenient for those business travellers. Beside this, Singapores bus network is tremendously frequent and extensive and it does not only bring convenient to Singapores citizen and also tourists. Singapore is well recognized for their public transportation and telecommunications connectivity. According to a survey carried out by Singapores Land Transport Authority in year 2006, 8 out of 10 Singaporeans were satisfied with their public transportation system such as buses and also railway system, Singapore has 21 Tbps of installed international communication infrastructure capacity, adequate for every business require in telecommunications connectivity. They are one of the more aggressive telecommunication hubs around Asia Pacific. They also provide excellent telecommunication links with broadband network all around business hotels, so those business travellers can surf the internet anytime when inside the hotel room. 2.3 Forecast Singapore MICE industry in the future. From my point of view, I strongly believe that Singapore will finalize to the top spot and becoming the Best City for MICE venue in the future. Singapore will also be leading ahead of other countries. Singapores tourism background is going through a dynamic transformation. On year 2010, there will be more cityscape that gives off more vibrant and enthusiasm on the atmosphere. Singapore are still innovating themselves by introducing newly, modern venue and outstanding facilities to give their foreign business travellers and demonstrators a pleasure knowledge and ambience. They will also keep up their status as Asias premier MICE destination through recommending new transportation system and entertainments. The Asia-Pacific is likely to attract over 100 million business travellers and MICE visitors by 2015 with the growth prospective in the region. Therefore there will be no surprise that Singapore to become a bigger slice of this MICE market. With its stability political and global economy shows signs of reflect, the business event sector is in good chance of taking advantage of on business opportunities. In the upcoming years, Singapore will keep a strong pipeline of business occasion, including the key international association meetings. Ms Melissa Ow, Assistant Chief Executive, Business Travel and MICE Group, Singapore Tourism Board (STB) said: As we move into 2010, and climate of economy recovery the STB will continue to work closely with our industry partners to meet business event organisers evolving needs, explore new business leads and strengthen our international marketing and channel development efforts. Marina Bay sands will be one of the improvement into an amalgamate MICE venue which offers 200,000 square meter of convention and exhibition space which create and grow strategic business occasion. These developments will redefine Singapores downtown and central business region. There are estimate more than 150,000 meeting attendees are to stopover Singapore for those events that already booked at the Marina Bay Sands. Besides, Resort World Sentosa has accommodated 35,000 attendees at a single event. Marina Bay Sands said that it has secured more than 30 events development to be held there from this year to 2012. On the year of 2010, the worlds first -ever summer Youth Olympic Games will be hosted by Singapore. With approximately arrival of 15,000 overseas participants and visitors bring about 180,000 or more visitor to Singapore. Beside this, Singapore is also hosting a series of upcoming events and meetings in these few years, such as International Cruise Terminal 2010, Gardens by the Bay 2010, Sports Hub 2010, National Art Gallery 2013 and many more. Singapore will continue to expand their abilities and upgrading their infrastructure to provide business event travellers in order to guarantee their position as one of the top Asian. Singapore Tourism Board (STB) has planned to upgrade the facilities of Singapore Expo to make sure Singapore Expo is well-organized to sustain the development of MICE industry. The upgraded facilities will ensure Singapore Expo retains their excellent venue for business events. There are many growing competitors out there from other country such as Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Macau and etc. But Singapore is making every chance to offer good facilities and services to their business event travellers. Besides, STB are working continuously closely with the events industry. The main purpose is to increase the amount of the business event at Singapore and to make sure that the MICE sector continues to move ahead as a key driver of tourism development in Singapore. Lastly, I personally think that Singapore has performed well in this industry and lead Singapore to be on top of the MICE industry, because during the staging events in Singapore, the event organiser can be assured of their quality service, accompanied by its tremendous transportation and professional workforce. Although Singapore has obtain a lot of awards but they dont feel self-esteem, they keep on their good work and maintaining their facilities to achieve and make them the best MICE destination in the world. Furthermore, Singapores MICE industry is on the roadway and I strongly believe that if Singapore put in more efforts on this industry, it can leapfrog to reach the top and becoming the Best City for MICE events among the world in the future. Chapter Three Research Methodology 3.1 Research Method For the methodology, this research will be using questionnaire. Among quantitative method and qualitative method, I use both of the method for my research. It is also known as a mix of approaches. The first method is quantitative method which is a technique to gather quantitative data such as information dealing with numbers and anything that is measurable. While for the qualitative method is to understand the meaning of the numbers produced by quantitative method. We have to observe case analysis with given research imply to qualitative methods and quantitative methods to request respondents to rank their perception about these particular topic. 3.2 Research Design There are two types of research method which is qualitative method and quantitative method. Qualitative method is more on observation and quantitative method is subjective. Qualitative method need to collect date based on quality and is difficult to generalize because everyones perception is different; meanwhile it may affect the quality of the result. For the quantitative method, it is more objective compared to qualitative method because the data must be fact and logic. And it will be in numbers and also in statistics such as graphs or tables. It is essential to use both methods to understand the core of this research. 3.3 Data Collection Apparently the data in this report is collected from the secondary data which is online database. Secondary data can be easily found at journal, articles, websites, textbooks, books and etc. The researcher gets the journal from the college library website and it is mainly taken from the Google Scholar and EBSCO Host.