Thursday, November 7, 2019

Egyptian Afterlife

Egyptian Afterlife Table of Contents  · Introduction2  · General Information, Main.3-6 o Mummification...3 o Journey to Yaru..4 o Recitation to the Gods4 o Myth and Rituals.5 o Opening of the Mouth Ceremony5  · Conclusion5-6  · Bibliography.7 Egyptian Afterlife Introduction Many ancient civilizations of the world have been unraveled, but one in particular interests me the most. The astonishing beliefs and lifestyle of the ancient Egyptians are unlike any other of its time or any time at all. These Egyptians had developments and beliefs that are still in some ways a mystery, but as the years go by, we begin to learn more. If you ever wondered what the meanings of some burial traditions or what mummies really were, you'll find out as you read along. I will discuss the procedures and beliefs of Egyptian afterlife.Egyptian Afterlife General/Main Information Once an Egyptian dies, there are several things that can be done with their remains.Egyptian VOne thing that we discovered that can be done wit h the remains is the process of mummification, which was only performed on certain people. So let's start there.The process of mummification is the form of embalming practiced by the ancient Egyptians that changed over time from the Old Kingdom (ca. 2750-2250 B.C.), when it was available only to kings, to the New Kingdom (ca. 1539-1070 B.C.), when it was available to everyone. The level of mummification depended on what one could afford. The most fully developed form involved five basic steps: 1. All of the internal organs, except the heart, were removed. Since the organs were the first parts of the body to decompose but were necessary in the afterlife, they were mummified and put in canopic jars that were placed in the tomb at the time of burial. They would take out the stomach and...

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