Thursday, October 31, 2019

Biography Of Benjamin Franklin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biography Of Benjamin Franklin - Essay Example Despite his achievements at school, he was removed from school at the age of 10 to work at candle making with his Dad. At the age of 12, Benjamin was apprenticed to his brother James at his printing shop by his father. Benjamin took on the fake name Mrs. Silence when James refused to publish any of his writings. With this, his imaginative and amusing letters were in print in his brother’s news paper. When the letters were discovered to be Benjamin’s, James was very angry. After that, Benjamin escaped to New York, although he settled in Philadelphia, this is the place he settled for the rest of his life (Sherrow 7). During the 1730s, Franklin’s prominence and success grew very much at the end of the 1732 with the publication of Poor Richard’s Almanack. He established a lending library for people to share his zeal for reading, and he chosen the Grand Master of Pennsylvania Mason, postmaster of Philadelphia and clerk of the state assembly. In the 1740s, Franklin went up into entrepreneurship with his invention of the Franklin stove; he also rose into scientific pursuit. In 1750, he conducted the kite-and-key experiment and some of his electricity theories were published in England the preceding year. He was tapped as an ambassador to represent the Pennsylvania Assembly, Georgia, Massachusetts and New Jersey, in England. He went on working towards colonial union and in 1766 he hold up the repeal of the Stamp Act (Dubourcq 10). Having mapped the postal routes in 1762, Franklin was designated the second Continental Congress and as a postmaster general in 1775. Moreover, in 1776, he was among the five men who drafted the Declaration of Independence. Also he was one of the men who planned the Article of Confederation. In 1785, Franklin returned to America from France. He was chosen to stand for Pennsylvania at the constitutional convention that planned and ratified the new U.S constitution. He took part in electing

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