Sunday, December 1, 2019

My 2017 Quarterly Goals for My Freelance Writing Business

I havent talked at all about my quarterly goals on this blog. While I have yearly goals set for this business, Im finding that if I break it down in quarters it makes it a bit easier to accomplish. I find that when I publicly share my goals, I inspire others, but more importantly, motivate myself and hold myself accountable to accomplishing my goals. I did lay out my yearly goals for my freelance writing business, but didnt share them on my blog.   Why? Well, a lot of the big goals coincide with my goals for Twins Mommy (my other site). But, I do want to share my quarterly goals that are directly related to my freelance writing business. In the first quarter of the year, my main goals during that time was to fix my free email course and revamp and relaunch my Write Your Way to Your First $1k course. My free email course gets a lot of subscribers in a day. But, looking at the click-through rates and open rates, I found  it goes down a lot towards the end. I have a sales funnel set up for my free email course. The free course teaches you how to land your first client and I make sure to mention my comprehensive course to help them make a living as a writer. But, a lot of subscribers werent reading or opening their emails. I have since learned that my course is going to promotions. So, I have to remove all images and optimize my free course so that people want to open the next email. Did I do that in Q1? Nope. Still in progress. But my second goal of revamping and relaunching my Writeto1k course was accomplished. I came back with a brand new and high-converting sales page (which I love! My husband designed it and I wrote the copy. We make a good team!). I also did five days of Facebook Live streams over on my Facebook page  (that I put on my blog too!) that got people excited about the course. It boosted my sales considerably and Im happy that my course is helping so many aspiring writers that want to make a living with their writing! So, whats in store for Q2? Quarterly Goals for 2017 For the next quarter, my goal is to create another course. For the longest time, I was going to turn my successful Book Clients in 30 Days challenge for my course students into a course. But, Im dragging my feet with this project and for some reason, Im not hooked on it yet. While it may turn into a course later, for now its on hiatus. What I think is better for me at this point in my business is to create a front-end sales funnel. What this means is creating a tripwire product that introduces me and my brand and makes people comfortable buying. Its typically a low-priced offer that packs a lot of value nonetheless. So, Im toying with the perfect tripwire product that people will find valuable and wouldnt mind paying a few dollars for. I know it will be video based and not an eBook. Video is something Ive been becoming more comfortable with since the five days of Facebook Live over on my Facebook page. I really enjoy and like that medium over doing a webinar for example. I can set it up in minutes, have my notes, engage with the audience easily and be finished in 30 minutes or less. My other goal is to optimize my sales funnels for my email list. Right now my free email course generates the most subscribers in a day, but I have other freebies that people opt-in to. I also created a new one and am working on a sales funnel to introduce my course and will do the same on another freebie I have on the blog. Part of this goal is also having a CTA at the end of my blog posts. Im putting my latest freebie at the end of my blog posts (and I made it my lead magnet on my homepage too) as I feel this is a highly valuable guide that a lot of freelance writers need help with (boosting their freelance writing income). Finally, I am collaborating with another freelance writer on doing a course. She will do most of the content and setting it up. My role is providing a guest lesson for her course and Im excited as this is the perfect compliment to Write Your Way to Your First $1k! Im not sure when it will launch but Im excited about it and happy that I accomplished videoing the lesson! As for my service-based business, Im not looking for more clients; I have enough, but am always open to collaborating with my ideal client. So, what this means is Im not actively pitching and Im not negotiating on new inquiries. But, if an influencer approaches me for ghostwriting or a popular digital native brand wants my service, Im not going to say no! Im still a freelance writer. I love writing and blogging and I love networking and collaborating with others. But, for now, my focus is on my course students and product creation. Where I Am Right Now Im sitting in a nice place right now. I have diversified my income to include not only writing projects and course sales, but also affiliate marketing. My Twins Mommy blog is growing and Im getting ready to create a product for that audience as well. My twins are also getting better at playing nicely and having quiet time. They just turned 4 years old and will attend school this fall and they are super excited. My daughter is in dance class, my son is in karate and both are in gymnastics and soccer. With the business doing well and my twins getting older, our plan as a family is to take a vacation. Its tentative, but something that I feel would be great for the twins and make lasting memories before they start school! Over to you – what are your goals for for freelance writing business? Would love to hear about them in the comments!

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