Sunday, May 3, 2020

Training and Prosocial Organizational Behaviors-Free-Samples for Stude

Question: Discuss about The relationship between training and prosocial organizational behaviors. Answer: Introduction Some of the fundamental features of the human resource management are training and organizational behavior. Proper training is provided by the experts to the new employees of the organization. The organizational behavior is such an aspect that is measured from the ways the employees of the particular organizations behave (Hendry, 2012). This also reflects the organizational culture as well. In this paper, the main purpose will be to draw a relationship between pro-social organizational behaviors and training of the employees. Training Training is an organized procedure in the organizations. The employees must be given a proper training so that they can enhance their skills and show their worth by delivering the expected performance for the organizations. The employees should be trained in a way by which they can adjust to all the changes in the organizational environment. All the required knowledge, ability and skills can be obtained by the employees if they go through a proper training indeed (Hendry, 2012). Pro-social organizational behaviors Pro-social organizational behaviors are considered to be very important behaviors that are elemental for the success of the organizations. These pro-social organizational behaviors have a huge implication on the overall performance of the organizations (Hazzi Maldaon, 2012). The organizations will be able to survive properly if they perform the pro-social organizational behaviors properly. The pro-social organizational behaviors are generally enacted by the individuals of an organization when he carries out his or her functions for the organization by communicating with his colleagues. There are certain kinds of pro-social organizations that can be highlighted in this context. They are employee-directed pro-social behavior (altruism), compliance, customer0directed pro-social behaviors, whistle-blowing and others. Relationship between pro-social organizations and training It has been a matter of discussion as proper training of the employees could lead to the success of the organization from all the directions (Hazzi Maldaon, 2012). If the employee-directed pro-social organizational behaviors are not properly performed the employees will not learn the ways they should conduct with their colleagues and most importantly with their clients (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). The organization can function smoothly only if the employees are well-organized and behave properly according to the ethics of the organization. The experts should always behave well and co-operate with the workers. These particular behaviors are very necessary for the survival of the organizations (Hazzi Maldaon, 2012). These things are also taught in the training process. This is considered to be one of the most interesting responsibilities for the human resource managers. They should incur the sense of responsibility in the employees through proper training (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). It is believed by some experts that taking up the additional roles or the extra roles is a part of the pro-social organizational behaviors and the employees should be trained by the human resource managers properly (Ford, 2014). All these things should be directed towards meeting the organizational goals and achieve organizational success. Conclusion The paper can be concluded by saying that pro-social organizations are really very inspiring for achieving the organizational success. It is the responsibility of the HR managers to make the employees efficient enough to comply with the needs of the organizations. References Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Ford, J. K. (2014).Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press. Hazzi, O. A., Maldaon, I. S. (2012). Prosocial organizational behaviors: The lifeline of organizations.European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences,54, 106-114. Hendry, C. (2012).Human resource management. Routledge.

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